
Software & Data Support
for ADEST ASX Share Prices & ASX Quotes

Global Equity Manager Downloads

Only required for a new installation
Download Full Install File

To upgrade an existing installation from Market Manager.

Upgrade File

To upgrade an existing installation of Global Equity Manager to the current version Download Gempro

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A full help file is
found in the Gem pro Software (Click on the Book Icon. Here are some quick

Q: I am
missing data for a day or group days.

A: If you are missing data use

>I-Net > Recollect Specific dates.

Q: One of my files has a missing day what can I do?

A: You can

1. Go into the filing cabinet

2. Select the stock or item you wish to refresh the history from

3. Click on the connector Icon that will say ” Refresh History” on

Mmm odd the MetaStock is

Please do this –

1. Click on the Filing
Cabinet as below:

<![if !vml]><![endif]>

2. Find the Dow under
the Composite World Markets

3. Click on the
Tap/connector Icon (to the left of Binoculars) and then refresh the history-
as below – you can do that for any data on this grid for the next 5 days.


<![if !vml]><![endif]>

ASX Warrants Trading Support

Our Data supplies full ASX warrants data. If you need some support with ASX Warrants click here>>