Stop! Managing Stock Splits Name Changes etc?
Save time, save money –>> Free yourself up to make the trading decisions.
Our quality service will benefit you! Download with us and let our GEMPRO Software do the work for you. GEMPRO provides Market Data for major stock markets around the world.
Worried that your current data history has developed an error and is simply wrong?
Use ours –>> then you can refresh the history at the click of a button.
Ours is designed to having you trading quickly not stuffing around with data issues.
While other software have their downtime our downloading software has been quietly ticking away like a clock for over 20 years. It is solid dependable and reliable works on Win 98 Win 2000 & Win XP Windows 7 & 8 – we even use it in a MAC!. No other data supplier has this record. Many go for fancy things that just don’t work.
Reliable historic and current data for updating your database is available on ASX stocks, local and overseas indexes, futures and currencies. This the data service used by more members of the Australian Technical Analysts Association than any other (ATAA Survey).
You can collect your data via the InterNet anywhere in the world.
We have had users successfully downloading their ASX data in Helsinki!
In addition you can access the ADEST database, via a Network by a local call, from most major cities around the world (an extra charge applies for this service outside of New Zealand and Australia, call for details). Or simply download direct from the Internet.
- ASX available for collection no later than 5.00pm (EST) andNB Includes Diary Adjustments for Splits, Dividends, Bonus issues and New Issues, Company name changes etc. Premium E Signal from the Stock Exchange.
- SFE data available for collection no later than 7.00 pm (EST)
- World Indices and Commodities Data is available from 9.00 am (EST) or 11.00 am during daylight savings time (ESST).
Data is supplied in a wide variety of data formats for most popular Charting and portfolio management software.
Advanced Get, CSI, Dow Chart, Indexia, Excel, Fibonacci Trader, Indexia, Insight Trader, Lotus, Metastock, Parity -plus, Cycle Trader, Market Analyst, Trade Station, Fibonacci Trader, PPS SuperCharts, Wall Street Analyst. to name a few.
NB Data for ASX Options Traders – here is what you see on our Options Chains Data View
Would you Like A 1 Off Historical Data to test your ideas with?
- Most data is back to 1986 or start of trading.
- What that means we have a 20 year (average for ASX longer for Futures and Indices eg S&P 500 to 1952), historical data on CD ROM.
- Available in either MetaStock format – $110.00 incl GST and Delivery.
You can order now by clicking here>>
BONUS: Sign now and Get 1 month of Updating Free
Sign up for a post 7.45pm monthly download with us today and save $77
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Order Post 7.45pm – ASX You can order now by clicking here>>
Step 2: Then Once you have signed up then order your discounted history by clicking here
Intra Day Data: SFE SPI (AO & AP ) Sydney Futures Exchange Tick Data
FROM 1990 TO CURRENT DATE – A$60 per year per contract emailed to you.
CD or Downloadable History of SPI Tick Data
SPI AO Tick Data History Contract ASCII 1993-1999 $311 plus delivery
no Delivery charge if you take the Download Option. Order now
SPI AP Tick Data History Contract ASCII 2002-date $311 plus delivery.
no Delivery charge if you take the Download Option. Order now
$$$S SAVE ON ALL SPI TICK DATA PACK 1993-99 and 2002-Date
We are proud that our customers stay with us even during bear markets: Why?
– The data is clean and
– The software easy to use
– The Downloads are fast
– The distribution is fast
– You get fundamental data like EPS, Yields, Market Cap!
– You get Hourly Intra Day Updates on the whole market
FREE if you need them
– If you download the ASX after 7.45pm or 12 midnight you SAVE!
– You can refresh your history at anytime
– You can recollect up to 5 months worth of daily updates
at anytime
– All you have to do is click Download and the software does
everything else – stock splits name changes etc
– Our service is via phone! No voice Mails or Emails
Our service lets you get on with your trading not spending time emailing or pressing phone buttons.
Price List per month paid quarterly in Advance.
Important note. With this service level ADEST supplies the software to collect the data from our database and to distribute it to the database on your computer. It will automatically update the data with share dividends, splits, name changes etc. (Metastock & EzyChart formats only) prices include GST for Australians.
The following terms and conditions apply to the Full Service
1. Minimum charge is $25.00 per month.
2. Payment method must be one of the following, monthly automatic
credit card deduction or direct bank debit, or quarterly payment by
credit card or cheque.
3. Choose your services at
An accounting charge of $5.00 applies if we invoice you.
History on Average is
- AND S&P BACK TO 1950 –
All this for just $110.
You can order now by clicking here>>
NB. Full history of ASX Market and all SFE & Overseas
Indexes & Commodities history download only $110
in MetaStock or EzyCharts format – Includes 30 Day Free Updates.
Or pay only A$33 with any data updating order for 3 months or more.
To order on Credit Cards via Our Secure Server just click here.
Feel free to call us on 02.8205.7470 if you need anything.
Or Contact us here now
Got any more questions? Just click Here and read our FAQ>>