ELWAVE is the ultimate trading and learning tool for the Elliott Wave Principle.

Our trading software ELWAVE is dedicated to the Elliott Wave principle, the most powerful trading method in existence, enabling you to make uncanny forecasts. NEW SCANNING FEATURES!

First of all our software provides objective (Elliott Wave) forecasts that really matter – and are really Elliott Wave!

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The Automatic version of ELWAVE combines the best of two worlds, giving a detailed, high quality Elliott Wave analysis while maintaining complete flexibility, to accommodate expert users, allowing them to adjust and saving every analysis.

Unique features:

our analysis is a true Elliott Wave model not just a momentum model and of superior quality.

You get the best alternative first, and other important alternatives can be studied, giving valuable information on risk and probability. Our software will alarm you very clearly.

ranks alternatives according to probability, determined by both price and time Fibonaccis, guidelines, patterns, validity of internal wave structure etc.

the Wave inspector gives complete information or summary on every pattern, which is unmatched

Lightening Fast analysis, You can analyse 100 years of Dow data in under 2 minutes, 3 wave degrees deep using a minimum speed computer (Pentium 100mhz).

ELWAVE has 9 degree of detail in analysis depth.

ELWAVE labels the WHOLE chart, not just the latter part and does so very quickly, important  because the total picture determines the score of a pattern

analyse any section of the chart, without the need to re-analyse the whole chart again. Intra day analysis can get updated within a very short time span, mostly between approx. 30 secs and 2 minutes  depending on computer speed and complexity of the analysis

make your own wave count and have ELWAVE analyse it or check it partially

2 sets of rules to choose from:
    – Classic rules containing very strict Elliott interpretation and
– the more aggressive Modern as taught by Glenn Neeley in the book Mastering Elliott
Wave see or bookstore for details more>>.
These rules will have a different set of trading signals as well.

the special proportion Fibonacci and swing filter: groups waves of the same degree. It combines time and price lengths of waves and recognize that a sharp wave 2 connects to a flat wave 4 that has very little retracement. This way ELWAVE will determine relevant  multiple time frames by itself, where every wave degree represents a time frame.

ELWAVE shows all Fibonacci time as well as price relationships of patterns in the Wave  inspector, if they exist, and takes this into account when calculating scores

the Fibonacci pane shows all Fibonacci ratios of the selected wave and its sub waves at once, which can be used with a manual wave count.

projects very specific targets, displaying a target range and most likely targets.

very easy navigation using the Wave tree, automatic adjustment of detail, zoom in etc.

complete insight and transparency, as all rules and guidelines for each pattern are listed.

comes with all Elliott tools: channels, indicators, Fibonacci time and price targets, Golden spiral

clicking on a rule or guideline will show it in the chart, the path a pattern will follow is shown in the chart as well as targets

supports special Elliott charting styles and oscillator

Special logarithmic indicators for long term analysis

ideal for intra day traders, ELWAVE can read extremely large files, in Metastock 60.000 data points, around 200 years of daily data. In ASCII there are NO limits, tick files of 500.000 ticks or data points are no problem (as long as there is enough memory or hard disk space). A real time link is available using a DDE link, provided your data vendor supports this the use of a DDE link

complete flexibility, you define screen layout as you like, load several screens etc.

easy to learn and a pleasure to use


NOW WITH FREE SFE & SPI DATA from I-Deal Financial Group when you trade with them.
See http://www.i-deal.com.au

NOW WITH FREE SGX Nikkei DATA from I-Deal Financial Group when you trade with them.
See http://www.i-deal.com.au


Works with many currency and forex feeds

THE SPI, S&P 500, E Mini, Mini Nasdaq – whatever!

Classic Elliott

Below is a Chart of The US S&P Index using the Classical Elliott Wave Counting procedure created by RN Elliott and made famous by Frost and Prechter.


Modern Elliott Wave

Here is an Elliott Analysis of the Australian Share Price Index done in the Modern Glenn Neeley Way.

NEWS!: Why not try our next Forcasting Webinar from ourMaster Forecaster? click here>>
Elwave incorporates state of the art technology using truly object-oriented programming techniques for fast, stable performance and an intuitive user-friendly interface. It has been specially developed for and is fully compatible with Windows 3.x, 95, 98, NT, ME, Win 2000 & Win XP.
It requires 32 MB Ram, 50MB Hard Drive Space & a Celeron Chip or Greater.

Data Feeds

Elwave Works with many data feeds including:

  1. MetaTrader
  2. eSignal
  3. MSN
  4. Quote.com
  5. Taipan
  6. TC2000
  7. Tenfore Quotespeed
  8. Yahoo!



ELWAVE  is available in the following versions:

  • Real Time Version Target Clusters with Scanning & Service Contract  Buy Now
  • End of Day version with Target Clusters with Scanning Buy Now
  • Purchase a Full Working 30 Day Trial Version Buy Now
    for just US$80
    plus FREE delivery *.
  • The full price of the Trial Version is given back to you as a credit when you
    buy the full version.* Note all local taxes upon delivery are for the account of the purchaser.

The software comes with an extensive manual (175 p.) covering how to operate the program, an introduction to the Elliott Wave Principle, a description of valid patterns and how to trade for profits.

Ask Us to chart any market you like Click Here>> 

Why not try our next Forcasting Webinar webinar from our Master Forecaster? click here>>

New! ELWAVE  for Metastock add-on
Platforms: Windows /98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Required: Metastock version 7.2 or higherELWAVE is another step forward in the development of one of the world’s best Elliott Wave program and now it has been made available to fit in the Metastock environment.To  Purchase MetaStock Plug In for Elwave Click here>>Simply the best

  • Easy does it
    Already in the lastest version, improved analysis engine has been used. The Metastock add-on targets simplicity, high quality wave count and ease of use. In a straightforward way, no hassle, you can select a chart and have it analyzed for the most preferred Elliott Wave count. It can be downloaded from the internet with a few clicks and no additional protection devices nor manuals need to be shipped. Of course you need to have Metastock installed first.
  • features-labelling of waves
    The engine analyzes the waves using the Classic rules of the Elliott Wave as defined by Prechter in his book “Elliott Wave theory”. The best, preferred count will be shown on the price data of a Metastock chart, after ELWAVE has researched 1000’s of combinations. See the example below:
    Click to enlarge
    Example: NASDAQ-Chart, analyzed on October 27th 2004 (Close 1.480).
  • features-Expert Advisor
    In addition to the first step, labelling the waves in the chart, you can ask the Expert Advisor for a crystal clear interpretation of the analysis. This will be explained in plain natural language, now avaialble in English, German and Dutch. First a conclusion will be presented with below a more detailed explanation. See the example below:
    Click to enlarge
    Example: NASDAQ-Chart with Expert Commentary, analyzed on October 27th 2004 (Close 1.480), showing 3 consecutive uptrends, which gives a clear BUY advice with price-targets of 1522 (short-term) to 1538 (medium term).
  • features-Summary Inspector
    Additional to the Expert Advisor the Summary Inspector is shown in the same window as the Expert. It clearly shows the consecutive wave degrees or patterns in patterns and most importantly, if every wave degree supports the same price direction. One of the nice things it includes is its clear targets for every wave degree, which are based on Fibonacci. This is the most certain, high probability target, which will be reached most of the time. Please see chart above at the bottom of the left window.


Real Time Version: Order Now>>

End of Day Version:    30 Day TRIAL CLICK HERE>>

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